Well I have written a lot on Wahhabism and this blog itself is based on countering Wahabi extremism. It’s an extremist brutal sadist ideology which produces morons like Zakir Naik. And all the terrorists doing violence, like IS, AQ all are Wahabis. But the question remains important – Who are the Wahabis? or the Salafis? Why is it an important question?
Today, a person living in Manhatten may find a bearded guy living next door as an interesting thing which will let him know a different culture and all but what if that guy is there with a Jihadi motive? How do you differentiate a good moderate muslim from an extremist Wahabi muslim? Basically how do you spot a Wahabi? How do you know that the muslim living next door will not be a next “Bosnian” bomber? There is no certain answer as to who to suspect but there are indeed certain traits which will help you in recognizing a good muslim and thus the good moderate muslims will be spared from illogical bias and hatred they face today. Let us now move on to “how to spot a wahabi” (though I’ll write a full detailed article on the topic soon).
Wahabis keep their pants, trousers or pajamas above their ankles. Well this is what inspired my Blog name “AnkleJihad”. It’s the main trait of the Wahabis. Wahabis generally sport long UNTRIMMED beard. The beard may be short but it will be untrimmed in most cases. This trait and others I’ll discuss further have their justifications in the “Hadiths” – the books which tell muslims about prophetic traditions of Prophet Mohammed. Most of the muslims as you all must be linking right now in your heads, keep trimmed beards (thank god) but yes the westerners must be relating in their minds what I have described because in the west now many muslims are Salafis/Wahabis.

There are different ways of Namaz (prayer) too among the muslims. One main trait of Namaz which differentiates the Wahabis from common mainstream muslims is the place where they rest their hands during the Namaz. There are times during Namaz when a muslim has to rest his hands on his body. Well where the Sufis put their hands below or on their navel, the Wahabis put it above the navel and mostly right on the chest. So whenever you are passing by a mosque and see a muslim resting his hands below the navel, take a deep breath and praise god. Another important feature is the one you must have seen a few times going through terrorist videos, news photos of terrorists and wahabis’ facebook profile pictures i.e. raising index finger and getting clicked. It’s an official sign of the Wahabi terrorist groups as well as Wahabis themselves. By doing this they indicate that there is just one god i.e. Allah and no other god is god. But practically by doing this they wanna show that they are the Wahabis, the true muslims who believe in one Allah and all other are Mushriks i.e. they believe in others too along with Allah. This is what Yasin Bhatkal – the Osama of India had signed when he was arrested by the Indian authorities. He was not a moron who was playing by making random weird signs there.
Wahabis have also stopped using the term “Khuda Hafiz” in the South Asia region specially India and Pakistan where this Persian term used for greetings, was widely used. Why the hatred for this term? Because Wahhabism comes from the Arab world. So Wahabis try to imitate Arab culture, specifically Saudi culture. So they replaced the Persian term with “Allah Hafiz”, an arabic term (Khuda means god in Persian). In fact even the moderate Sufi muslims have been misguided and even they now avoid saying Khuda Hafiz. So Wahhabism is a buy one get two offer. Adopt Wahhabism and Arabization will adopt you.
So basically above explained traits will help you in NOT SUSPECTING the moderate Sufi and Shia muslims and help you in recognizing the real suspects if at all they are doing something which can be put into the category of radical act or something. Even otherwise at least you will be beware of the Wahabi extremists out there.